The Bee’s Knees is a weekly feature wherein I ramble about all the lovely little things that are inspiring me this week.
Wedding Anniversaries
It’s anniversary season! My husband, Josh, and I just celebrated our sixth. Our friends Betsy & Justin just celebrated their fifth, and our friends Amy & Andrew will soon be celebrating their fifth as well.
I love anniversaries. The growth and strength of a relationship is such a beautiful thing to celebrate. It’s a wonderful time to remind yourself that the years you pass together are a result of the work you put into your relationship and the dedication you have to your spouse. It’s certainly not complacency that got you through all those years together.
Last year we celebrated our anniversary with an ice cream social and portraits by Teegan Photography. You can see photos from our party here, and from the portrait session here, and here. This year we took a mini-vacation, but I’ll post about that next week.
Amy & Andrew just had their 5th anniversary portraits done by Jamie Delaine. You can see them here.
And this weekend, I have the great honor of shooting 5th anniversary portraits of Betsy & Justin! I can’t wait! An anniversary is the perfect time to have portraits done, because you can’t let your wedding be the last time you have pictures of yourself together looking fabulous! Contact me to schedule yours!
And because a post is nothing without an image, here’s a sneak peak at our anniversary trip: