Last year I had the fun idea to do Prom portraits. Everyone hates those pictures they take of you at the Prom with that same horrible starry night backdrop and the same pose that everyone else does. I thought that it would be great for a portrait photographer to offer much more fun and interesting Prom photos. This year I decided to give it a try, but, unfortunately Prom season just came a little early and I wasn’t quite prepared to do the advertising and planning necessary to do it. Oh well, there’s always next year!
When I was still in the planning stages of the idea, I asked my little brother Elliott and his girlfriend Lilly to model for me, so I would have some images to use in advertising it. Even though, it didn’t work out this year, I was happy with the portraits I took of them. And now they have some cute photos for themselves.
Thanks for being such great models you two!
p.s. Lilly has a bunch of visible tattoos that I had to Photoshop out so that they would look like they are in high school. I think I did a fantastic job! (Maybe I’ll do a before and after post some time.)