I’m good at reading people, it’s a skill I’ve had since I was a kid. I understand people and I can tell a lot about a person from just talking to them for a few minutes. When I meet with a client for their pre-shoot consultation I can tell pretty quickly how they are going to be during the session and what they’ll need from me as far as coaching, posing, encouragement, etc.
When Ms. J and I sat down to talk about her boudoir shoot I thought I had her pegged. Like with all my boudoir clients, we talked about the style of images she wanted, outfit suggestions, what body parts she wanted to emphasize and de-emphasize. And I thought I knew what to expect. I’ll admit I was expecting a little bit of discomfort, a lot of smiles and laughing, and some need for coaching. I was so wrong!
Ms. J BROUGHT IT! Like no other! She was incredible! Truly! She barely needed a word out of me to give me those hot “come and get it” eyes and to pose like she knew exactly how to look her hottest! I was blown away!
All I can say is thank you Ms. J for being such a sexy bitch!
And a big thanks to Sara of Beauty Hairem for helping to make Ms. J smoking hot!